About Farhana

About Me

Hello! My name is Angel, a 28-year-old college sophomore majoring in Software Development. I was born and raised in Bangladesh, and came over here 2018.I have always been fascinated with technology and how things work.If you like to know more about me click "About me" on left.

My Interests

Some of my hobbies include decorating and designing, and one of my absolute favorites is applying henna tattoos. I also enjoy traveling and exploring new places whenever I get the chance. Trying different dishes is another passion of mine—I recently tried Moroccan food, and it was delicious! In my free time, I also like to relax and play video games.

Mountain Biking Playing Video Games

My Goals

My primary goal is to become a proficient software developer, focusing on creating innovative software solutions and games. In the long term, I aspire to work with a leading tech company and develop my own game one day.

My Resume

Feel free to download my resume by clicking the link below, and reach out to me for career opportunities!

Download My Resume